lundi 21 mai 2018

Learning to create short videos

I can add now directly videos, without going to YouTube, Dailymotion or Vimeo, so I will try it in this blog, that stood quiet from 2013 to now!

Here is the first one: "my communication style" It is about my club, Witty storytellers online but also the Toastmasters new Program. In level 2 of my current path I found "Communication styles"
My communication style comes our always as Initiating. Meaning, preferring to communicate through stories and appreciating human interaction. As we all do at the Witty Storytellers Online club meeting for the moment, twice a month Thursday early morning 6am London time. From all over the world we tell stories, our personal stories to each other.

vendredi 27 avril 2012

Julie Seventy at Lion's Den

Filmed by Alina Stary - as a surprise for me.

Live gig (standup comedy performance) at Cavenish Arms

Already using the new stage-name Julie Seventy. There was a great and receptive audience of around 50

Standup Sitdown Comedy and Interview, London

Live performance near Victoria station at the Plumbers Arms pub, interview with Ed Surname, video ES too.

lundi 3 octobre 2011

dimanche 13 février 2011

Videowall of my tales from Dailymotion

lundi 17 janvier 2011

Bob Ferguson on Learning to Evaluate

Learn from different sources, not only one, then it is not stealing but Research.
Practice, practice, practice, different ways and often, long time.

Bob Ferguson, Toastmaster in Excalibur Speakers of London, delivered a Workshop, at the Division B, London Toastmasters contest: 45 minutes all worth to listen, then, apply and practice.

The images were more, and better, mostly listen to the speach. I put it in video format only as like that, more websites accept then merely sound.